The Immortal Abyss
By Katherine Briggs
Pronunciation Guide

~ Characters

Tol TOLL (as in toll booth)
Ami’beti AH-mee ‘ BEH-dee
BORE ‘ BEH-dee
Srolo Kapir SRO-low KAH-peer
Samari sah-MAR-ee
Tilur Tyler
Bohak BOE-hawk
Xanala ZAN-ah-lah
Seyo SAY-oe
Geras GAIR-us
Roji ROE-gee
Daemu DAYM-yoo
Emeridus eh-MAIR-ih-dus
Ysterdey IS-ter-day
Kean KEE-an

~ Places

Laijon LAY-john
Pirthyia PIRTH-ee-uh
Nazak NAH-zak
Ai’Biro AY-bee-roe
Vedoa VEH-doe-ah
Tavalkian TAH-val-kee-ahn

~ Miscellaneous

Qo’tah KOH-tah
Oractalm or-ACK-talm
Srolo SROE-loe
Mangi MAHN-jee
Bimil BIM-ill
Dacri DAH-kree
Rockwyrm ROCK-worm
Firewyrm FIRE-worm
Cinaspice SIN-uh-spice


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